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  1. BOOTED OUT of his house for being gay, Ethan Mao, 18, survives on the street as a hustler selling sex to older men. He meets Remigio, 19, a drug dealer and hustler, who befriends Ethan and takes him in. After being tipped off by his younger brother that his family is going on a day trip on Thanksgiving Day, Ethan asks Remigio for a ride to his family house to get some of his belongings. Ethan and Remigio break into Ethan's family house, but are caught in the act and have no choice other than to hold his parents hostage. In the following increasingly desperate hours, Ethan, his family and Remigio are forced to confront their unresolved conflicts between each other. As the tension between Ethan and his family escalates, their inner demons and family secrets unravel in this suspenseful drama.
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